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Why every Etsy shop needs Pinterest as a marketing channel
As an Etsy seller with less or more experience, you probably know that “surviving” in the high competition marketplace like Etsy, requires marketing strategy and knowledge.
Driving additional traffic outside Etsy is always a good idea! But where is the question? In our small marketing agency, we found that social media platforms are great “magnets’ to Etsy. But do you need all the social media? Actually not! In our experience, we found that Pinterest drives the best results when it comes to Etsy business. Curious? Find out here why every Etsy shop needs Pinterest as a marketing channel to drive more traffic and sales!
Why Pinterest is different? Actually, because it is not a social media, it is a visual search engine like Google. It is proven, that the people are on Pinterest not to show yourself, but to look for something – ideas, inspiration, shopping or solving their problems. As an owner of a unique handmade crafts business on Etsy, you may have what to show the people with your products. You may know how to solve their problem and give them a possible solution and inspiration. But how they can find you? Etsy is full of products from all over the world. You will need a strategy to reach your target audience and dream customers. Showing your products as beautiful and optimized pins on Pinterest can be a great additional source of targeted traffic, outside Etsy and not depending Etsy algorithm changes! Here are the steps to start with your Pinterest marketing for your Etsy business:
- Create your business Pinterest account – it is super easy and takes just a few minutes!
- Optimize your Pinterest business name, story, and picture – include as much as possible keywords in your name and story and show a picture of YOU, not your Etsy logo. The people on Pinterest will like the idea to meet the Etsy shop owner face to face!
- Create your Pinterest content in organized boards and SEO optimized – add a few boards with your products, but add few boards with the other pinners pins. You don’t want to spam Pinterest only with your products, sharing pins from other people on Pinterest is the main rule!
- Pin every single day or at least a few times in a week. Consistency is the key to success!
Pinterest will not drive you “magical” traffic overnight, but in few months consistency and strategy you will have a lot of people finding you through Pinterest and the best part are that this will be totally organic /free!/.
Get our free guide to understanding exactly who your target is and how to create Pinterest boards to attract the right people. Because you don’t need useless traffic, right? You need targeted traffic and sales! Pinterest can be a gold mine for your business, but you have to use it with the right strategy. And the strategy starts with the content creation process. Are you ready to take the next step and make Pinterest works for you now?
Not sure you can do it yourself? Or maybe you are not having enough time, doing what you love – your amazing handmade crafts? We love to help Etsy entrepreneurs with their Pinterest marketing! Contact us to receive an affordable price offer for Pinterest monthly management with a strategy for your Etsy shop!
What if you could get your blog or a site in front of the eyes of potential fans? What if there was a platform with over 250 million active monthly users that you could show your content / products to? Does this sound awesome to you?
Pinterest is the best tool to use for marketing online. If you pick any social media network to focus all of your marketing on it needs to be Pinterest.
Here is one successful client story with Etsy shop to read and inspire:
Full monthly Pinterest management services starting with personalized strategy report and Pinterest strategy to implement, creating and adding up to 40 monthly custom pins linked to your site and SEO optimized for Pinterest, monthly Pinterest report with the progress, tracking the analytics and a lot more! Let me help you grow your health coaching business while you are doing what you love to do! Price starts from 300 USD, contact me here to receive personal detailed offer just for you!
Need more traffic for your blog? Subscribe here to receive a few ideas for the top free networks to build an audience for your blog and more Pinterest tips!
Still confused by Pinterest? Don’t worry – contact us here to receive your personal Pinterest management service at the best possible price!
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Don’t know when to pin your /and the winning!/ content?
Subscribe here to receive our Pinterest Content Planner for E-commerce for free now!
Here are some of our happy clients: