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When you should consider hiring a Pinterest Manager for your business?
One of the last researches shows that social media can be a powerful tool to grow your small business online. But do you need to focus all the social media? Actually not, if you pick any social media network to focus all of your marketing on it needs to be Pinterest. Why? Because Pinterest is a search engine with over 350 million active people who are ready to find and engage with your business online! But this is not a tool who can provide you growth in 24 hours and without a strategy. You need to have a highly successful strategy with an action plan to grow your business using Pinterest for at least 6 months. If you’re a business owner, you don’t have that time to waste by researching and testing Pinterest strategies. Every professional Pinterest manager will do it for you, saving your time and money!
It doesn’t matter if you are just starting your business or you are in the phase of scaling it, Pinterest can help you grow, but it will take time. As a business owner, you have a lot of decisions to take every single day. You are busy enough to take care of your business and if you really want to scale it, you will need to outsource your Pinterest marketing.
In our small Pinterest marketing agency, we are daily contacted by different businesses to help them with their Pinterest strategy. Here are a few examples with our clients, we have helped to grow:
One of our clients, Rosen, in the fashion niche was contacting us after struggling with Pinterest for its new fashion brand. 24 hours after we start working with him, he was receiving our Pinterest strategy report for its business – explaining to him what the right strategy is and how we will implement it in his business strategy. After the first month, he has received impressive traffic, but still not enough to grow. After the second month, the traffic started to turn into sales. And this was just the beginning! He was so impressed, that said: “Wow, my Pinterest strategy was totally different before and giving no results after almost a year work!”.
Another client, Anastasia, in the baby niche contacted us after seeing great traffic from Pinterest, but having not her own account there! Such a shame 🙂 So, she said: “I am receiving around 650 visitors monthly from Pinterest, but haven’t an idea how? Maybe I should start my own presence there and try to implement some strategy, but I don’t know how to do it by myself and I am too busy with my business – has no time to do my Pinterest marketing professionally?”. And Bingo! After 6 months working with our strategy for her business, she is now having over 1500 monthly targeted visitors and sales growth to scale on the next level her business!
Other clients in the food niche, Hauke and Dave, already had a great Pinterest account with over 1 million visitors to their Pinterest account and over 30 000 monthly visitors to that food blog, after pinning with a strategy by themselves for over 5 years. Impressive! But suddenly, all the traffic decreased drastically. It was because Pinterest changed their algorithm and this actually happened all the time. When they contacted us, they were loosed over 50% of the traffic already. After implementing the updated strategy to the account, according to the new algorithm, they started to receive the traffic again slowly, but progressive!
I am telling you all these stories just to show you how when someone is an expert in this what is doing can save your time, money and really help you! And the list can be continued … Are you there? It’s up to you!
If you want to grow your business and if there is something which will make running your business more effective – make that investment. Each smart investment that is going to allow you to see that growth is completely up to you and your business. You may be wary of investing money /especially if you just start your business/ because you want to save as much money as you can, but remember any smart investment will always give you a return on your money!
Get our free guide to understanding exactly who your target is and how to create Pinterest boards to attract the right people. Because you don’t need useless traffic, right? You need targeted traffic and sales! Pinterest can be a gold mine for your business, but you have to use it with the right strategy. And the strategy starts with the content creation process. Are you ready to take the next step and make Pinterest works for you now?
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