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Expert Pinterest Tips and Tricks for Bloggers in 2024
Expert Pinterest Tips and Tricks for Bloggers in 2024Pinterest is still a great and smart way for exposure in 2024 for blogs, because it is still a very popular search engine! As a Pinterest Manager and Expert with over 7 years of experience in Pinterest marketing for bloggers, I often receive questions from bloggers in almost all niches on how to use Pinterest as a blogger right now. But some Pinterest strategies from the past are dated and not working anymore. Of course, the idea is ALAYWS the same: to grow audience and drive extra organic search traffic. Pinterest is here to help, but not every blogger will be successful in 2024. Here are my expert Pinterest tips and tricks for bloggers in 2024:
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Client’s Success Story for Pinterest Marketing: Pinterest Traffic Case Study for bloggers
Client’s Success Story for Pinterest Marketing: Pinterest Traffic Case Study for bloggersAs a Pinterest marketing manager for bloggers since 2017, I had received a lot of questions on how to grow organic traffic with Pinterest in 2024-2025. I have seen numerous Pinterest accounts struggle to generate a substantial number of outbound clicks, which is a significant concern for a lot of Pinterest users. At the same time, most bloggers are reaching out to me with the questions like – how long take to see traffic growth with Pinterest, what kind of traffic we can expect over time and is it worth the investment?
To answer all these questions, let me share a brief case study here: the individual food blog who manages its Pinterest account in-house approached me for Pinterest marketing consultation because they were only receiving approximately 2000-4000 outbound clicks per month, despite managing the account for more than 2 years and struggling to drive consistent growth. Here is what happened when we start to implement my updated organic Pinterest strategy for the last year.
*Important notice: this results are example results, each blog is different and what is working for one, can be not working well for other. However, there are several ideas you can take from this case study and implement by your Pinterest strategy!
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The benefits of pinterest for small business
The benefits of pinterest for small businessThe benefits of Pinterest for small business
Did you know that Pinterest is the third largest search engine in the world?
Yes, it is! After Google and YouTube, Pinterest is the third place where the people are looking for ideas, inspirations, and new products or services to try. Are you there? If not, read this to see what are the benefits of Pinterest for small business are.
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Pinterest ads basics how to set up a successful promoted pin campaign
Pinterest ads basics how to set up a successful promoted pin campaignDo you know how to set up Pinterest ads to drive targeted traffic and sales? Do you know that Pinterest used to be a far cheaper ad option than Google and Facebook? Yes, and a lot more – Pinterest is the better bargain to promote your evergreen content and with Pinterest advertising you will get free downstream activity like future saves and traffic from promoted pins that are saved during while the ad was running! Sounds like a big deal, right? Here is a step by step guide on how to smart set up your Pinterest ad.
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How to build traffic driven Pinterest strategy
How to build traffic driven Pinterest strategyAs a small agency with focus Pinterest, most of our clients often are coming to us with the question: “How can we start with Pinterest to drive traffic?”. Most of them are coming from Facebook looking for more affordable ads to start with as alternative source of traffic. This is possible, but the fun part is, that the people’s expectation is that Pinterest can drive traffic as the other social media – using mostly paid ads. Not exactly! The great about Pinterest is that actually it drives traffic on autopilot and totally organic! Your pins are live forever and they will drive traffic for years forward. Where is the catch? It takes time – 6 + months of consistent management with strategy, but the waiting is worthy!
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Top proven tips to use Pinterest marketing for business in 2021
Top proven tips to use Pinterest marketing for business in 2021Diving into the sea of information on how to master your Pinterest marketing strategy may be confusing and time-consuming! If you are content creator looking for smart way to use Pinterest as your traffic driven source, this short and helpful guide is for you! It will give you the best ideas on how to do your Pinterest marketing on the best possible way in 2021 and what you should know about Pinterest in 2021!
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When you should consider hiring a Pinterest Manager for your business?
When you should consider hiring a Pinterest Manager for your business?One of the last researches shows that social media can be a powerful tool to grow your small business online. But do you need to focus all the social media? Actually not, if you pick any social media network to focus all of your marketing on it needs to be Pinterest. Why? Because Pinterest is a search engine with over 350 million active people who are ready to find and engage with your business online! But this is not a tool who can provide you growth in 24 hours and without a strategy. You need to have a highly successful strategy with an action plan to grow your business using Pinterest for at least 6 months. If you’re a business owner, you don’t have that time to waste by researching and testing Pinterest strategies. Every professional Pinterest manager will do it for you, saving your time and money!

Are you making these mistakes using Pinterest for your business?
Are you making these mistakes using Pinterest for your business?When it comes about Pinterest marketing for business, people often are confused. Some of them are coming from Facebook and look for organic traffic opportunities, which Pinterest can provide on autopilot. Here I will share the most common mistakes which are making when using Pinterest for business:

How to build your audience on Pinterest as a new blogger
How to build your audience on Pinterest as a new bloggerFor the past two years, I have worked and helped many bloggers to build their blogs and attract a new audience on Pinterest. Actually, Pinterest is their traffic source number one! So, it doesn’t matter if you are food, fashion, business blogger or in the coaching niche, Pinterest can be the gold mine for you! Here are my best tips on how to use Pinterest for your blog.

Why Bloggers Need Pinterest
Why Bloggers Need PinterestFor the last 4 years, I have helped many bloggers to build their audience on Pinterest. For more of them, Pinterest is now traffic source number one! Here are my best tips for you! As a blogger, you know that traffic is everything! And Pinterest is a great marketing tool to build your audience for any blog in any niche! The pinners are “hungry” to hear from you! How can you use Pinterest as a number one traffic source to your blog? This post will give you more details.

Why every Etsy shop needs Pinterest as a marketing channel
Why every Etsy shop needs Pinterest as a marketing channelAs an Etsy seller with less or more experience, you probably know that “surviving” in the high competition marketplace like Etsy, requires marketing strategy and knowledge.
Driving additional traffic outside Etsy is always a good idea! But where is the question? In our small marketing agency, we found that social media platforms are great “magnets’ to Etsy. But do you need all the social media? Actually not! In our experience, we found that Pinterest drives the best results when it comes to Etsy business. Curious? Find out here why every Etsy shop needs Pinterest as a marketing channel to drive more traffic and sales!

How we attract more than 1500 people monthly from Pinterest to our online shop totally organic and without paid ads!
How we attract more than 1500 people monthly from Pinterest to our online shop totally organic and without paid ads!Do you wonder is it possible to drive totally free traffic to your site? Do you consider Pinterest as a marketing platform to grow your business? If yes, this success story is for you! Keep reading here how we attract more than 1500 people monthly from Pinterest.

How to create Pinterest strategy to drive organic traffic
How to create Pinterest strategy to drive organic trafficAs a small agency with a focus on Pinterest, most of our clients often are coming to us with the question: “How can we start with Pinterest to drive traffic organic?”. Most of them are coming from Facebook looking for more affordable ads to start with an alternative source of traffic. This is possible, but the fun part is, that the people’s expectation is that Pinterest can drive traffic as the other social media – using mostly paid ads. Not exactly! The great about Pinterest is that actually, it drives traffic on autopilot and totally organic! Your pins are live forever and they will drive traffic for years forward. Where is the catch? It takes time – 6 + months of consistent management with strategy, but the waiting is worthy! Keep reading here if you want to learn how to create Pinterest strategy to drive organic traffic to your site or blog!